Trusted by thousands of users daily to record, track and progress
ePortfolio, LMS, CPD, Remote Evidencing and much more...
Offline should not mean off-track

Progress, unhampered
Mobile apps that work offline as standard — because a lack of connection should not mean a lack of progress.

Built to be used by everyone
Renowned for its simplicity, SwiftTrack's UI has been carefully crafted to be intuitive and very easy to use.

Suitable in any sector of industry
Due to its broad capabilities, SwiftTrack performs in a wide spectrum of usecases, across multiple sectors.
Crown Commercial Services Procurement Gateway
SwiftTrack is listed on G-Cloud, so if your organisation is part of the public sector, your procurement process will be streamlined. This is available to any government-associated organisation — From Central government itself, to charities, education, health, local authorities, blue light services (police, fire, ambulance, search and rescue) to devolved administrations and British overseas territories.
We will never stop innovating
Just like our end users, SwiftTrack is all about continual progression. We put a significant percentage of our resources into research and development. Our R&D programme means that our clients benefit from our advances as we roll out updates to our SaaS platform.